Thursday, March 29, 2007

Spring Schedule

Here's the official schedule. No Tuesday games. No 9:30 games.

4/02 6:30 Long Islanders
4/09 6:30 Silver Bullets
4/16 6:45 Hanks
4/23 5:45 Long Islanders
4/30 6:00 Silver Bullets
5/07 6:00 Hanks
5/14 7:00 Long Islanders
5/21 7:00 Silver Bullets
5/28 No Game
6/04 7:00 Hanks

The shirts are in! They look great. The Big Sexy's never looked bigger or sexier. Well, at least bigger.

Rock on, Bad Gnus!

Friday, March 23, 2007

A Letter From Pete Nixon's Dog

Hey everybody, my name is Tedford. I am Pete's golden retriever. The Arden Park homeowners’ association wouldn’t allow Pete to get an actual golden bear, so he’s stuck with me.

What a fun keyboard! Pete left me in the house today. He was rushing out, mumbling something about needing to close a deal, little league practice and a raging hangover. I couldn’t hear it all. I was hiding in the laundry room hoping he wouldn’t notice me. I’ve gotten tired of chewing up most of the good stuff around here. I didn’t know this keyboard was for communicating. I found the “tab”, “Q” and “F12” keys in the stool sample I left on the area rug. So I won’t be using those keys. If only I had thumbs I could try to fish them out and snap them back on.

Which leads me to my plea; I don’t have thumbs, yet Pete constantly ties a piece of leather to my paw and hits balls at me. The kids will be all tired out but Pete keeps going. I don’t even know what he is talking about. He says “alright Tedford, let’s get two” then he only hits one ball and I need to chase it down, the big leather thing flopping as I run. I look all around for the second ball then finally drop a slobbery mound of leather at his feet and pray he doesn’t hit it again. Ever since his big black lab, Marshawn, ran away for green pastures, he’s been running me ragged.

Then once a year, he makes me sit and answer questions. I don’t know what he’s talking about. I usually try to lick my balls to give him the hint I’m not listening anymore, but he just keeps going. So then I lick his face. “Tedford, if you are on second base and no one is on first, do you have to run?” Listen, Pete last time I got to second base was with that labradoodle bitch next door and you yanked my choke chain so hard I nearly swallowed my tongue.

Anyway, could you fellas help a dog out? I know Pete needs to get his baseball fix in. And I know you are all about to start up the Bad Gnus season cuz Pete’s been wearing his tie-dyed shirt all around that Kathy keeps hiding in the garage. How about you guys get together Sunday, April 1 around 4:00 and hit some balls for Pete, drink some beers and just tire him out before he comes home and he tries to strap the catcher's equipment on me.

I gotta go. I see a drape in the other room that I forget to take a piss on. Thanks for your help!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spring Training In Full Schwing!

I hate to interupt all of your training for the coming season. If I can have just a few minutes of your time before you go back to roadwork, lifting weights and rubbing flax seed oil on your arms.

I don't have the schedule yet, but we are tentatively on for opening day on Monday, April 2! That is just 10 days from today and only one day after you crack up all your family members with practical jokes all day. The schedule will include at least a couple of Tuesday games. I'll pass along the schedule and hit up the blog when I get it. I might get it on March 28.

I have placed an order for the 2007 edition of the Bad Gnus T. It will be at least the 6th shirt in circulation. Hate to pile on the invoices, but now y'all owe me another $20. I have already collected league fees from a whopping 2 of you. Please forward that $30 along with the $20 for the shirt when you can or just bring it to the first game. If my favorite brewer and patriot, Sam Adams comes through with league fees, I'll refund it to you.

While you have your wallet out, what do you think about hats? I can get navy blue hats with an embroadered and interlinked "BG" for another $12. Let me know if you guys want to go down that road and I'll get them ordered.

Here is our official roster for the spring season:

Kevin, Bill Appleton, Bill Moebs, Erik Grotte, Greg, Keith, John Wiesy, Doug Hart, Doug Wormald, Howard, Kirk, Pete and me.

Our subs are: Derrick, Ted, Sean McD, Clayton Smith (new Gnu alert!).

If you are one of the 13, please let me know as far in advance as you can if you cannot make a game. I know the little league gods frowned on me and saddled me with 4 Monday games this year, including April 2. With notice, we should be able to fill the spot and avoid the park whoring that we have gotten so good at. If you are Derrick or Ted, let me know when you can make any game and we will get you in.

Sorry, there are no Hooters coupons here. Just trying to get Appleton to check the website.