Monday, June 13, 2011

Bad Gnus Playoffs Begin! (and end)

The first Bad Gnus playoff game of the year took place on Monday night against the third seeded Long Islanders. I never think much about The Long Islanders. I always think of them as a .500 team that we have a 50/50 chance of beating on every other night. And I think about how a Long Island Ice Tea is cold and sneaky. Tastes so good, especially on a warm day, then wham! It was a beautiful and warm, early summer night and the Bad Gnus were thirsty.

Many Bad Gnus were at Valley Oak participating in the never-ending Arden Little League season. Caldy and I made sure that we would not have that kind of conflict as we coached our little league team to the ground early.

The Big Sexy was excited to make his return to the diamond. It had been a couple of months since he shocked the league by hitting three straight balls to centerfield for hits. The was 2 more than his career high. Clearly, something was wrong and he immediately had knee surgery after the game.

In true Bad Gnus Spring Season fashion, we borrowed a player to round out our 10. The good news is that he played flawless defense. Unfortunately, we only borrowed one player. The Gnus handled the ball on defense a bit like Robin Williams handling Flubber. There were at least 5 errors in the first inning, as balls just bounced out of gloves. This was followed by a few the next inning. In games that Bad Gnus play solid defense, we are competitive. In games with we don't, Na-nu Na-nu. After 2 complete innings, the Gnus had sent 8 guys to the plate. The Long Islanders had scored a cold and sneaky 18 runs.

After an 18-0 deficit, the Gnus started trying to win each inning. Over the next four innings, the Bad Gnus won 2, tied 1 and lost 1. Not bad! Clayton unleashed his whooping stick for a 3 run home run to spark the otherwise listless offense. That was good enough to earn him Newcastle player of the game despite his .000 fielding percentage. What can I say, guys dig the long ball. After the team warmed up, many players started to get hits. Cleanup hitter John mixed in line drive hits and bloop hits to keep the defense off balance. Erik was hitting crazy grounders that the Islanders just could not field. Clayton kept hitting.

During the rest of the game, the defense got significantly better, as well. In the last inning the Gnus brought the tying run to the plate with the bases loaded. Of course, that batter would have had to batted all the way around to be the tying run, but where there is hope... The final score ended 24-9.

That concludes Bad Gnus Spring Training! Now we are ready to start. Batting practice has been taken. Ice Chests will be filled. Honeys will be in the stands. Knees have been rehabbed. Shoulders have been thrown out and already healed. Watch out Arden Park, the Bad Gnus are ready for our 50 days of summer!

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