Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Finally, a Thriller!

It was a beautiful night for softball and for just a few minutes on a warm summer evening, things looked like all was right in the world of the Bad Gnus. Five minutes before game time there were 10 Bad Gnus at the yard! There would be no player whoring in the bathroom this night. As the Bad Gnus trotted out to the field, there was the encouraging sight of Howard in left field and not the bumbling load, holding his right butt check the whole game that has been out there. The other welcome sight was Derrick at shortstop. In the top of the first, Derrick made a wonderful 6-3 double play to end the Limelight's first inning without a run.

Optimism was running rampant through the dugout as the Gnus came to bat in the bottom of the first. However, the rust that comes with months of Bad Gnus inactivity for the two prodigal Gnus was a splash of reality water thrown in their dreaming faces. In trying to describe Howard's first at bat for the Gnus in over a month, I searched and searched my keyboard for the appropriate key. I've tried this one (?l) and this one (7l) and this one(>l). I've searched the internet for the appropriate emoticon. I didn't know a smiley face could do so many things! I didn't know whether to go with the one that turns green then barfs or the one that just stands there looking at me. After all of this, I'm just going to say that Howard owes us some beer. That about explains it. Derrick didn't want his compadre-in-absence to go alone and quickly bounced into a 6-4-3 double play during his first at bat.

The game did feature two D league teams for the first time in a while. For the first 5 innings the Bad Gnus played more like a F league team. It was refreshing seeing the other team make an occassional error and not all of their hitters bouncing the ball of the fence. They did have one guy who knocked one over Howard's head his first time up and over Howard's head and the fence's head the next time. But with two outs in the bottom of the fifth, the Bad Gnus had still failed to score. But John Wiesenfarth barrelled toward third and completely ignored third base coach Doug's stop sign and raced toward home. Or more specifically the general area of home. John ran about 10 feet to the side of the plate in full view of the Gnus and the umpire who was patiently waiting for the defense to realize it and tag him out. The Bad Gnus did not want to make a scene and were trying to get John's attention to touch the plate. The catcher threw the ball back to the pitcher and the dugout erupted with a "John, touch the plate!!". The shutout was averted!

The Bad Gnus gave up 3 more runs in the top of the 6th and the scoreboard showed 11-0, Limelight, withholding our lone run of the night. After a brief discussion with the scorekeeper, the Bad Gnus were credited with a run. However, we didn't need the old lady scorekeeper to pile on. Her comment was something like "wull, I pushed her, but it mussn't had known whut to do since I've hadn't touched it all ding dang game. It's like when my babies was playin in the Rio Linder little league and that darn Vern's Hardware team just never could plum get any one in". Then she spit out a little of her chew. Well maybe that's what that's what my mind perceived, but it was something like that.

With two outs and nobody on the in the bottom of the sixth, the Gnus slowly spung to life. Mike singled and that was followed by about 8 more consecutive hits to bring the game to a respectable 11-7. The Gnus finally felt alive! They were back in it. They remembered how to score. The Gnus gave up a couple more runs in the top of the seventh, but they had a good feeling going into the bottom of the inning. They picked up right where they left off and quickly picked up 4 runs before there were any out. Then with two out and the bases loaded, Keith drilled a single into left scoring the tying run and John Wiesenfarth came storming around third. Once again ignoring his third base coach's plea to stop. John actually headed for the plate this time and slid hard and perhaps was under the tag, but he was called out. Solid effort to slide to score the winning run by the newest Gnu.

Much to the chagrin of the 9:30 teams who were already late to get started, this game was going to extra innings! The Limelight was also surprised to be in extra innings after holding what looked to be a very safe 11-1 lead. The comeback was right out of the Bad Gnus history books. Only the Bad Gnus could play completely horrible for almost 6 complete innings to nearly win it in the bottom of the 7th. The Gnus often play as if their games are scripted. The material if often fresh and surprising, but this twist was not one that anyone wanted to see. The Bad Gnus gave up 10 runs in the top of the 8th to go down 23-13. It was time for the Bad Gnus to perform one more time this night. After already scoring big in two consecutive innings, were they up for a third go around at their age? No matter how much the Limelight nibbled our ears or kissed our neck, we rolled right over and went to sleep. Typical. The final score was 23-15.

The Defensive Play of the Game could well have Doug's sliding catch in right center in the 8th inning to get a crucial out. The throw to second from his backside almost doubled up the surprised runner. Erik also made a beautiful tumbling catch going into right from second base that was very impressive. But the play of the game this week is awarded to Derrick Rebensdorf. Not just for one particular play but for his role in three double plays during the game. He took two 6-3 double plays then turned a nice 1-6-3 number in the late innings that was key. It was very nice having D out at shortstop again! Let's hope he didn't mess up his knee by refusing the courtesy runner.

The Newcastle Player of the Game could also go to Derrick. He played great defense and had three solid hits reminding everyone why he is the starting shortstop and cleanup hitter on the all-time Bad Gnus team. The NPOG this week goes to John Wiesenfarth. John went 4 for 4 and displayed the reckless running prowess of a lifelong Gnu, but slid like a new guy. Great enthusiasm! He scored our first run of the game and almost scored the game winner. He has been a fine pick up for the team. Great game, John.

Next week's game is at 9:30. Everyone get a nap!

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