Thursday, April 26, 2007

Summer Movie Alert!

The Bad Gnus season is not quite giving the players or their many, many fans the entertainment that we would desire. Therefore, I am going to give you some coming entertainment options outside to the world of the Bad Gnus.

I know you are all dying to know, but here are the top 5 summer movies I'm looking forward to. Get to your local multi-plex!

1. Knocked Up - The latest by the creator of 40 Year Old Virgin. I expect to laugh and be glad I'm not watching it with my mom.

2. The Simpsons Movie - My number one TV show I never watch but wish I did. They are always good for a quick zinger. It'll be interesting if they can carry a whole movie.

3. Paris Je T' Aime - I really like Paris and I really like films by the Coen brothers and Alexander Payne. Let's see if this interwoven collection of short films doesn't disappoint.

4. Eleven Men Out - A coming out story of a gay soccer team from Iceland. Nah, I'm just f'in with you. I'll wait for the DVD.

4. Sicko - I admit that I drink Michael Moore's kool-aid. While I am pretty feverish about gun control (Bowling for Columbine) and my anti-war stance (Farenheit 9/11) I'm a fence sitter on HMO's. We'll see if he moves me change the "Love Not War" on the back of the Love Missle to "Meds for All" .

5. Stardust - The word on the movie lot is that this is in the same vein as The Princess Bride. I am confident enough in my heterosexuality to state the The Princess Bride is one of the best movies ever made. I just hope Stardust has someone as dreamy as Cary Ewles in the lead.

I know there will be those who say, "but BS, what about Shrek the Third, Spiderman III, Ratatouille and Harry Potter?" Don't you worry, I think those movies will do just fine without my recommendation. I'm sure I'll see them and so will most of y'all.

Oh - and if you can't wait until one of these to come out and need to see a movie this weekend - check out Hot Fuzz. It's by the same bloke's who brought us my favorite Halloween time movie, Shaun of the Dead.

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