Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Key West Isn't Just for Homos Anymore

Here's Billy with his lovely wife Suzie on their trip to Key West, Florida. The Gnus shirt was the least flamboyent shirt Bill wore all trip, settling either for rainbow-colored, flowing garmets or simply red pasties with tassles on his bare chest. Actually, this was the only photo from the trip in which both Bill and Suzie are dressed. How would you like to be the Fotomat guy with this roll of film? *

*For those younger readers out there, a Fotomat was a place you would have to take your film and they make pictures out of it. Oh, film was something you put in your camera before you pushed the button. Oh, nevermind! Get back to your Flickr accounts and get off my lawn!

It sounds like the Moebs had a wild and fun time for Suzie's 40th. They proved that you are never too old for Spring Break... We'll be watching for Suzie on the Girls Gone Wild commercials. They better check to see if they have saucer-sized font in their graphics department.

I would be remiss to not discuss tonight's game against Ahern. As we are less than 90 minutes from game time, I'm sure none of you will see this post until after the game. I have the rare opportunity to make a few predicitions.

1. The NPOG will be Pete Nixon. He'll be out to show that trading he and Doug to the Silver Bullets for 3 Coors Lights was a mistake last game. He'll also want to use all of those skills he's been teaching the youngin's over the last few months.
2. Brett will make all but one of the 7 plays that we hit to him. But we will all laugh and laugh and give him enough crap about it to make us forget about the other 6.
3. Ted will take a pitch.
4. Doug will finish the game pitching.
5. We will have better beer after the game.
6. Gnus will put together a Gnu inning.
See you all on the other side...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dont understand. If Key West is NOT for Homos what is Bill doing there???...Maybe it has something to do with his gay porn collection...just a hunch...I am really impressed, however with the excellent photographic technique in the photo, in how the "pear shaped" monument is mimicked by a cetain "gay curious" model in the photo...