Thursday, October 02, 2008

A Message from a Racehorse

Hey there Bad Gnus! My name is Hung Like A Me. First off, I can't tell you what an honor it is that me and my friends will be your companions at the first ever Bad Gnus Book Club. Wait... What's that? You want us to run around the track pulling little dudes in a buggy while they whip us so you degenerates can bet $2 a race on us?!? Figures. Your loss. I bet that won't be the last time you hear that phrase all night. (he he he whinney he he)

I guess you'll miss my opinion on some of my favorite books: The Black Stallion, Seabiscuit, anything by Dick Francis and Choke by Chuck Palahniuk. Dude's a sick mother but the trainer couldn't turn the pages fast enough for me...

Anyway, runnin' fast is what we do! The only way I could be happier is if the guy with the Napolean complex that I have to drag around all night would stop hitting me. We have a great time at track. We're full of little in-jokes like when we stick a white horse out there so all you racist sons of guns will throw your money away at it. Or the names we give ourselves so we can hear the fast-talking announcer shout it out. Some of my favorites that make me laugh everytime are Hoof Hearted, Mike Oxsmall and Vice President Palin. Hooo boy! Some words just shouldn't be said together.

So here's the deal. Y'all show up Thursday, October 9th around 6:00. The Fellas will either be in the low part of the second deck or wandering around. It's not a big place. First race is 6:15. There's probably some kinda drink and food specials. Just stay away from the Kielbaska. He was looking pretty sick before he was put down.

See ya then!

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