Monday, July 30, 2007

Guest Columnists Save the Day as Gnus Roll...

First, Billy Moebs chimes in with the report...

Since Mike was working the mosh pit at the Queens of the Stone Age concert last night, I assume he won't be able to send one his lovely poems/songs/essays about the game. Let me sum it up in a few sentences:

TED - you the man- great job last night at shortstop. Couldn't have added the win to our record without all the double plays.

Gnu Team - nice job working the pitcher and getting so many walks (except Clayton) :) the extra base runners helped with all the scoring.

And lastly, thanks to Greg for bringing the adult beverages. It was nice to have a cold one after a hard fought battle.


Then Seanny McD responded with a perhaps more important rundown of the game, the postgame beverage analysis...

Great recap Billy aka "Lil' Sexy". But what summary wouldn't be complete without a top 5 list to go along with it. ...So here goes.. My top 5 beers from Greg's ice chest after last night's game.

1. Gordon Biersch Blond Bock - Ice cold, and refreshing. Perfect brew to start the post game festivus.

2. Sam Adams Light - Had to bring it back to 'ol team sponsor, but still keeping it light, tight and right.

3. Sam Adams Boston Lager - After 2 sandwiches in a can who cares about light beer anymore...Give me the O-riginal!

4. Fat Tire Ale - Not my fave, but when its all that's left in the chest..."what's a 1 at 10 is a 10 at 1"....

5. Coors Light - OK, this wasn't in Greg's chest, but when your infield consists of 3 Ahern fill-ins, you might as well pilfer some from their ice-box.

Rack me.

Breaking Mike's 5 year streak of best post game summary, Sean wins post game summary of the week! We'll see if Mike can take back his title following the T-Sox rematch game. They might think the outcome would be different playing a team of all Gnus. We'll just have to see about that.

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