Thursday, November 06, 2008

Bowling Night Odds

The November BGBC meeting is next week! Thursday, November 13 at Mandango's at 6:30, then Country Club Lanes at 8:15. It might be the most fun you have all year handling balls.

There won't be gambling like at the first book club meeting. There won't be polls and election results now our long, national nightmare is over. But I still find myself in need of finding winners... In that spirit, I have compiled a projected "Most/Best" list for the upcoming bookclub.

Best Dressed for the Occasion: Pete Nixon. I'm always anxious to see what Pete pulls out of his closet for any occasion, but I'll be stunned and disappointed if Pete isn't wearing something a little special for this night. Runner-up: Kirk Giberson in a bowling sweater vest.

Most Likely to bring his own bowling ball: Brett Dodge. Brett is the king of all activities that are done with multiple beers nearby. He's an excellent golfer. King of all trivia contests. Owns his own pool table. He throws darts so well the boys at the pub call him Bravedart. He ping pongs like Ling Long. I'm guessing his wrist guard has an embroidered BD on it.

Most Likely to Show Up so I can pay off a six-pack debt I don't remember: Todd Mirell. It always seems like I owe Todd a sixer. I don't even know why. I'm just going to start keeping a 6 of Newcastle in Olive's special hidden compartment in case I run into him.

Most Likely to try to get in on this combination of my bad memory and history of losing beer bets: Darren Silva. In fact, I probably owe Darren a couple sixers right now. Get in line...

Most Likely to call us after a bathroom break at the bowling alley because he can't find his way to lane we are using: Stuart Nelson. This could be a pattern of drunken behavior.

Most Likely to pass out at the Candlerock Lounge then have penis pictures drawn all over his arms with a Sharpie: Greg Blom. This getting darker earlier business won't do any favors for people who like to get to bed early.

Most Likely to be holding a Sharpie: Bill Moebs. It's the perfect melding of his artistic and sadistic side. Sardistic?

Most likely to sit down with a group of people to see if they were famous: Sean McDaniel. I respect his (or Sam Adams') courage to jump plop down at Barbi Benton's table. What if she was just some other old lady with a lot of plastic surgery? He might find a rougher crowd this week? "Hey, aren't you Dennis Hopper?"

First to want to play pool after bowling: Me. Pool is one of the many things I think I'm better at after a couple of beers. I'm also funnier and better looking.

I'm expecting many other fun stories and memories to be created this month. Hope you see you all there!

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